Opportunity Detail

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Become a LIFEgroup leader

LIFEgroup Leader- These are individuals who are interested in leading a small group of individuals through "L.I.F.E." (Loving God, Impacting Others, Finding Time to Play, Engaging Authentically). These leaders provide an opportunity for people to experience community weekly or bi-weekly. These meetings involve bible study, fun, building relationships, and growing in our faith journey.

LIFEgroup Host- These are individuals who may not feel the call to lead a group, but are willing to be a part of a LIFEgroup and provide a place for a LIFEgroup to meet. In other words, a host provides a space (typically their home) for a LIFEgroup leader to lead a small group in "L.I.F.E." 

Discussion Guide Team
 - This team uses weekly sermon notes to creates discussion content for LIFEgroup leaders to use during their LIFEgroup meetings. 

Opportunity Details:

Preference Area: Life Groups
Role: Upfront, Behind the Scenes
