Mission Partners

Our Partners

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Abba's Pride

Abba's Pride has a heart to serve and equip communities in South Africa by partnering with local churches to be a resource for food and education for vulnerable children. You can find out more on their website about their programs and how you can help!

Mission 318

Mission 318 has a heart to meet the physical, educational, and spiritual needs of the impoverished in the name of Jesus Christ. They work in Titanyen, Haiti and have had so many obstacles to overcome the last few years with the civil unrest there. Head over to their website for more info on what they do and how you can get involved!

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Food for the Hungry (FH)

We are partnering with FH in the town of Vigia Norte Nicaragua. This decade long partnership has the aim of helping the people of Vigia Norte “graduate” from extreme poverty as we share Christ’s love with them. FH’s expertise has been earned over 50+ years of helping without hurting. We will take annual trips to Nicaragua to connect with, encourage, and serve the people of Vigia Norte.

Email: missions@vbcoastal.com for more information, and head over to Food for the Hungry’s website to find out more about their global impact.
