

Scottsville, Virginia

Men's Retreat

06:00 PM

A.D.A.M. - Where are you? (Accepting Deceptions According to Man)

How does the world define a man? How does our society describe manliness? We live in a culture that is continuously blurring the lines between masculinity and femininity. In its attempt to be progressive and inclusive in various ways, our country and American culture is determined to redefine who and what a man is. Since the beginning of time the ruler of this world (the devil) has been purposeful in trying to decieve man into believing his lies over God's Truth. During this weekend, we'll unpack the biblical definition of manliness and encourage each other to be the men that God has called us to be.

Join us Friday, May 5th - Sunday, May 7th at Watermarks Camp in Scottsville, Virginia.  Register now, $150 per person.

Registration closed on Wednesday, May 3, 2023

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